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  Ranking last updated on Sunday, January 4th 21:00 2009
for the server Blood Culture
b e s t  of
Check for the most out- and instanding ;) players and happenings on this
Rocket Arena II
Note: This page uses all the meta log's data, not just the data uses in ranking. So these are overall best of tables.

best of...
...N° of connects
...Time spent on server
...Most played maps
...Top Frags, Ds, Ss, Is per Hour
...Top weapon lamerz ;)
...Most Frags, Ds, Ss, Is
...Forms of death

connects & gaming times Check for the folks that call this Rocket Arena II server home - the kings and queens of connect.

The total time players spent fragging is also shown. For each level played, the player's first and last happenings are timed. The time between these is the time the player spent in the level, more to the point, this is the time the player actively took part in the action. All those times are then summed up and shown as total up times.

Note: Some games/mods do not provide time / date info.

Player  Connects 
1 [BC]Arvy   1 
2 [BC]Hajas   1 
3 [BC]ShadeNoah   1 
4 [BC]SlipK   1 
5 [BC]QuanttumM   1 
6 [BC]Bada   1 
7 [BC]Rsteimetz   1 
8 [BC]Castaway   1 
9 [BC]Eniac   1 
10 [BC]P0br3   1 

maps most played These tables show what maps where most played, in counts of frags, suicides, and incidents per map.

Frags & deaths will always be the same for a specific map, since some player's frag, will be another player's death. Therefore the deaths are not shown.

Note: If a game/mod does not provide map names, then map numbers are shown.

Map  Frags 
1 0   20681 
Map  Suicides 
1 0   1612 
Map  Incidents 
1 0   22293 

top f, d, s, i
per hour
Using the players up times the frags, deaths, suicides, and incidents per hour are calculated. These values hint at the player's efficiency.

Note: Players that played less than 0 seconds will get an per hour value of zero. Some games/mods do not provide time/date info.

[Not available for Rocket Arena II]

top weapon usage The below list shows the top 10 weapon users for each weapon. Calculated:
netto% = (frags-deaths) / (frags+deaths)

On the right of the tables you will find the absolute count and % values for each weapon and player that made it into the list.

Note that you will have to have at least 10 weapon incidents (=f+d) with that specific weapon to be included here.

Rocket Arena II supports these weapons: Blaster, Shotgun, Super Shotgun, Machinegun, Chaingun, Grenade Launcher, Rocket Launcher, HyperBlaster, Railgun, and BFG10K.

 Player   Netto %   Netto   Frags   F%   Deaths   D%   Incidents 
1  [BC]Arvy  47.36  9 14 73 5 26 19
2  [BC]QuanttumM  9.09  1 6 54 5 45 11
3  [BC]ShadeNoah  6.25  2 17 53 15 46 32
4  [BC]P0br3  0.00  0 9 50 9 50 18
5  [BC]Eniac  0.00  0 5 50 5 50 10

Super Shotgun
 Player   Netto %   Netto   Frags   F%   Deaths   D%   Incidents 
1  [BC]SlipK  62.23  267 348 81 81 18 429
2  [BC]Butcher  46.23  43 68 73 25 26 93
3  [BC]Geada  36.36  8 15 68 7 31 22
4  [BC]G-10  35.71  10 19 67 9 32 28
5  [BC]Eniac  16.27  21 75 58 54 41 129
6  [BC]Hajas  9.46  23 133 54 110 45 243
7  [BC]ShadeNoah  8.59  25 158 54 133 45 291
8  [BC]P0br3  1.93  3 79 50 76 49 155
9  [BC]Musashi  -7.69  -1 6 46 7 53 13
10  [BC]Castaway  -7.97  -13 75 46 88 53 163

 Player   Netto %   Netto   Frags   F%   Deaths   D%   Incidents 
1  [BC]Geada  75.00  24 28 87 4 12 32
2  [BC]G-10  37.50  6 11 68 5 31 16
3  [BC]Hajas  37.25  76 140 68 64 31 204
4  [BC]Rsteimetz  28.42  27 61 64 34 35 95
5  [BC]Melt  27.27  3 7 63 4 36 11
6  [BC]ShadeNoah  24.22  39 100 62 61 37 161
7  [BC]QuanttumM  9.48  13 75 54 62 45 137
8  [BC]Butcher  6.66  1 8 53 7 46 15
9  [BC]Eniac  -6.45  -4 29 46 33 53 62
10  [BC]Arvy  -10.25  -16 70 44 86 55 156

Grenade Launcher
 Player   Netto %   Netto   Frags   F%   Deaths   D%   Incidents 
1  [BC]Hajas  56.99  281 387 78 106 21 493
2  [BC]QuanttumM  30.54  197 421 65 224 34 645
3  [BC]Rsteimetz  29.50  77 169 64 92 35 261
4  [BC]Metalwolf  23.07  9 24 61 15 38 39
5  [BC]SlipK  22.97  102 273 61 171 38 444
6  [BC]Eniac  21.62  48 135 60 87 39 222
7  [BC]Zman  4.76  1 11 52 10 47 21
8  [BC]MadDog  3.70  2 28 51 26 48 54
9  [BC]Profeta  0.00  0 6 50 6 50 12
10  [BC]Sonic  0.00  0 7 50 7 50 14

Rocket Launcher
 Player   Netto %   Netto   Frags   F%   Deaths   D%   Incidents 
1  [BC]Hajas  44.47  1243 2019 72 776 27 2795
2  [BC]Kenji  35.29  12 23 67 11 32 34
3  [BC]Geada  30.76  32 68 65 36 34 104
4  [BC]Musashi  23.75  43 112 61 69 38 181
5  [BC]QuanttumM  19.17  315 979 59 664 40 1643
6  [BC]Eniac  13.91  150 614 56 464 43 1078
7  [BC]SlipK  6.42  93 770 53 677 46 1447
8  [BC]Arvy  5.07  125 1293 52 1168 47 2461
9  [BC]Butcher  4.44  19 223 52 204 47 427
10  [BC]Rsteimetz  -2.81  -38 655 48 693 51 1348

 Player   Netto %   Netto   Frags   F%   Deaths   D%   Incidents 
1  [BC]QuanttumM  100.00  13 13 100 0 0 13
2  [BC]P0br3  45.45  10 16 72 6 27 22
3  [BC]Arvy  26.31  5 12 63 7 36 19
4  [BC]SlipK  -20.00  -2 4 40 6 60 10
5  [BC]ShadeNoah  -72.72  -16 3 13 19 86 22

 Player   Netto %   Netto   Frags   F%   Deaths   D%   Incidents 
1  [BC]Sonic  43.66  31 51 71 20 28 71
2  [BC]Butcher  36.23  150 282 68 132 31 414
3  [BC]SlipK  32.93  551 1112 66 561 33 1673
4  [BC]Geada  25.49  26 64 62 38 37 102
5  [BC]Kenji  22.22  4 11 61 7 38 18
6  [BC]QuanttumM  19.39  255 785 59 530 40 1315
7  [BC]Arvy  16.55  298 1049 58 751 41 1800
8  [BC]Eniac  16.39  140 497 58 357 41 854
9  [BC]JohnWoo  0.00  0 6 50 6 50 12
10  [BC]Zman  0.00  0 15 50 15 50 30

top f, d, s, i scorers These tables show the top players in absolute counts of frags, deaths, suicides, and incidents (=f+d+s).

Shown are those who really play a lot on this server. In the case of frags the top cutthroats, in the case of deaths and suicides the top masochists, in the case of incidents those that... ahem... prefer a virtual life... if you know what I mean ;).

Player  Frags 
1 [BC]Hajas   3206 
2 [BC]Arvy   2727 
3 [BC]SlipK   2539 
4 [BC]QuanttumM   2357 
5 [BC]Bada   1469 
6 [BC]ShadeNoah   1395 
7 [BC]Eniac   1355 
8 [BC]Rsteimetz   1304 
9 [BC]Castaway   1045 
10 [BC]P0br3   859 
Player  Deaths 
1 [BC]ShadeNoah   2666 
2 [BC]Arvy   2436 
3 [BC]Bada   1964 
4 [BC]Hajas   1670 
5 [BC]QuanttumM   1588 
6 [BC]SlipK   1555 
7 [BC]Rsteimetz   1378 
8 [BC]Castaway   1314 
9 [BC]P0br3   1308 
10 [BC]Eniac   1001 
Player  Suicides 
1 [BC]ShadeNoah   230 
2 [BC]Arvy   218 
3 [BC]QuanttumM   134 
4 [BC]Hajas   132 
5 [BC]P0br3   117 
6 [BC]SlipK   113 
7 [BC]Bada   107 
8 [BC]MadDog   77 
9 [BC]Eniac   76 
10 [BC]Castaway   73 
Player  Incidents 
1 [BC]Arvy   5381 
2 [BC]Hajas   5008 
3 [BC]ShadeNoah   4291 
4 [BC]SlipK   4207 
5 [BC]QuanttumM   4079 
6 [BC]Bada   3540 
7 [BC]Rsteimetz   2754 
8 [BC]Castaway   2432 
9 [BC]Eniac   2432 
10 [BC]P0br3   2284 

forms of death There are quite a few ways to make an end to it all - appart from getting fragged. For each form of death these tables show the top players in absolute counts.
Checks the safety.
 Player   Suis 
1 [BC]Arvy  122
2 [BC]ShadeNoah  116
3 [BC]Hajas  93
4 [BC]Bada  68
5 [BC]QuanttumM  65
6 [BC]P0br3  50
7 [BC]Eniac  46
8 [BC]SlipK  44
9 [BC]Rsteimetz  36
10 [BC]MadDog  36
Tried to put the pin back in.
 Player   Suis 
1 [BC]ShadeNoah  40
2 [BC]Arvy  24
3 [BC]QuanttumM  22
4 [BC]SlipK  17
5 [BC]P0br3  17
6 [BC]Hajas  11
7 [BC]Rsteimetz  9
8 [BC]Eniac  8
9 [BC]Castaway  6
10 [BC]Duka  5
 Player   Suis 
1 [BC]ShadeNoah  74
2 [BC]Arvy  72
3 [BC]SlipK  52
4 [BC]P0br3  50
5 [BC]QuanttumM  47
6 [BC]Castaway  43
7 [BC]MadDog  38
8 [BC]Bada  35
9 [BC]Duka  29
10 [BC]Hajas  28

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Sunday, January 4th 21:00 2009
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