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  Ranking last updated on Wednesday, August 6th 0:52 2008
for the server Blood Culture
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Compare the stats of your closest 'friends' on this
Rocket Arena II

In the AEstats.cfg the admin can define, special players to be shown on this page for comparison. Up to 20 of these so called 'buddies' can be defined. Alternately from the list of ranked players up to 20 top incidenters can be shown, automatically.

buddy statistics
...Overview F, D , S, & E
...Event scores
...Roles - player classes
...Frag streaks
...Death/suicide streaks
...Placed at per Map

overview Compare the all basic infos: The overall frags, deaths, suicides, events, incidents (f+d+s), nettos (f-d-s), and netto% (nettos/incidents) values of 'buddies'.

Note: If the admin has not defined any buddies in AEstats.cfg, then from the players in ranking, those with the top incident counts are shows (sorted). These are the folks you also see on the ranking matrix page by the way.

List of Buddies  -  20 in all
Player Player Player Player Player
 1   [BC]Hajas   5   [BC]Eniac   9   [BC]Nicchio   13   [BC]Kenji   17   [BC]IceMan  
 2   [BC]Arvy   6   [BC]Bada   10   [BC]Profeta   14   [BC]Geada   18   [BC]Healer  
 3   [BC]Rsteimetz   7   [BC]Assassino   11   [BC]Yokota   15   [BC]SlipK   19   [BC]Marraqy  
 4   [BC]QuanttumM   8   [BC]Rust   12   [BC]Duka   16   [BC]Yyeecc   20   [BC]Pittbul  
Comparison  -  Overview
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   Data     Intensity  
 Frags  1 7736 3354 2637 3670 2740 1045 1112 934 950 898 797 359 731 594 448 301 118 295 284 115 29118  6447-7736
 Deaths  2 37194889357025043011162815651394932883878974487346410500419257164275 28805  5158-6446
 Suicides  3 32943121521433313610512761517775513231304714626 2391  3869-5157
 Incidents  5 11784867464226388608428092782245519431832175214081269972889831584566454416 60314  2579-3868
 Netto  6 3688-1966-1148952-604-719-558-587-43-36-158-6901932167-229-34824114-186 -2078  1290-2578
 Netto%  7 31 -22 -17 14 -9 -25 -20 -23 -2 -1 -9 -49 15 22   -27 -59 4 25 -44 -196  1-1289
 Player Sums  11784 8674 6422 6388 6084 2809 2782 2455 1943 1832 1752 1408 1269 972 889 831 584 566 454 416 60314   

weapon related
This matrix shows the different weapon related frags by naming the "weapon" and the frag counts (matrix rows). The number in the matrix head denote the player's numbers (matrix columns). In column number 2 e.g. you will find all the Frags of player number 2 did.

Note: All following matrices are in the same format, columns denote data pertaining to one numbered player. Matrix lines are not shown, if none of the buddies have data available.

List of Buddies  -  20 in all
Player Player Player Player Player
 1   [BC]Hajas   5   [BC]Eniac   9   [BC]Nicchio   13   [BC]Kenji   17   [BC]IceMan  
 2   [BC]Arvy   6   [BC]Bada   10   [BC]Profeta   14   [BC]Geada   18   [BC]Healer  
 3   [BC]Rsteimetz   7   [BC]Assassino   11   [BC]Yokota   15   [BC]SlipK   19   [BC]Marraqy  
 4   [BC]QuanttumM   8   [BC]Rust   12   [BC]Duka   16   [BC]Yyeecc   20   [BC]Pittbul  
Comparison  -  Frags
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   Frags     Intensity  
 Blaster  1 8 8 7 7 9 1 1 1 1 2 2   2 2 1 2       2 56  4194-4718
 Shotgun  2 1      31            3670-4193
 Super Shotgun  3 604269851954124435473636946273040  151 1544  3146-3669
 Machinegun  4 9 1 1                       3           14  2622-3145
 Chaingun  5 6730285618 1265239 3179627  771 520  2097-2621
 Grenade Launcher  6 93611627553013976117221098266504461014214 2590  1573-2096
 Rocket Launcher  7 4718 1784 1365 1671 1430 606 735 418 440 265 430 243 270 269 155 179 100 206 136 107 15527  1049-1572
 HyperBlaster  8 15 102 123    2       26  525-1048
 Railgun  9 13921141876120111013382534272974742635435219224772148755  8836  1-524
 Player Sums  7736 3354 2637 3670 2740 1045 1112 934 950 898 797 359 731 594 448 301 118 295 284 115 29118   

weapon related
This matrix shows the different weapon related deaths by naming the "weapon" and the death counts (matrix rows). Matrix columns denote the player's number.
List of Buddies  -  20 in all
Player Player Player Player Player
 1   [BC]Hajas   5   [BC]Eniac   9   [BC]Nicchio   13   [BC]Kenji   17   [BC]IceMan  
 2   [BC]Arvy   6   [BC]Bada   10   [BC]Profeta   14   [BC]Geada   18   [BC]Healer  
 3   [BC]Rsteimetz   7   [BC]Assassino   11   [BC]Yokota   15   [BC]SlipK   19   [BC]Marraqy  
 4   [BC]QuanttumM   8   [BC]Rust   12   [BC]Duka   16   [BC]Yyeecc   20   [BC]Pittbul  
Comparison  -  Deaths
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   Deaths     Intensity  
 Blaster  1 8 9 4 9 4 2 2 1   2 4 2 1 2   1 2   1 1 55  2410-2711
 Shotgun  2   31    1            2109-2409
 Super Shotgun  3 1932531662241206080576647345241113728138512 1507  1808-2108
 Machinegun  4     4 2 1   4   1   1                   13  1507-1807
 Chaingun  5 7791765068242417865210825814 73 523  1205-1506
 Grenade Launcher  6 29644825029124215914412668661071143932204536291134 2557  904-1204
 Rocket Launcher  7 1669 2711 1901 1210 1581 892 842 870 541 424 504 598 253 190 201 289 239 156 88 151 15310  603-903
 HyperBlaster  8 23512321 2   2121  2 29  302-602
 Railgun  9 147413741161716993488467322247336223206143101126127114645272 8806  1-301
 Player Sums  3719 4889 3570 2504 3011 1628 1565 1394 932 883 878 974 487 346 410 500 419 257 164 275 28805   

weapon related
or environmental
This matrix shows the different suicides by naming the "damage type" and the suicide counts (matrix rows). Matrix columns denote the player's number.
List of Buddies  -  20 in all
Player Player Player Player Player
 1   [BC]Hajas   5   [BC]Eniac   9   [BC]Nicchio   13   [BC]Kenji   17   [BC]IceMan  
 2   [BC]Arvy   6   [BC]Bada   10   [BC]Profeta   14   [BC]Geada   18   [BC]Healer  
 3   [BC]Rsteimetz   7   [BC]Assassino   11   [BC]Yokota   15   [BC]SlipK   19   [BC]Marraqy  
 4   [BC]QuanttumM   8   [BC]Rust   12   [BC]Duka   16   [BC]Yyeecc   20   [BC]Pittbul  
Comparison  -  Suicides
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   Suis     Intensity  
 Checks the safety.  1 174 217 104 64 185 88 56 68 22 22 47 40 22 22 10 20 37 8 4 8 1218  145-217
 Tried to put the pin back in.  2 309131511 8393342   3    113  73-144
 Died.  3 12520598135137484156302627312710211076218 1060  1-72
 Player Sums  329 431 215 214 333 136 105 127 61 51 77 75 51 32 31 30 47 14 6 26 2391   

non-frags up close
This matrix shows the different events by naming them and the appropriate counts (matrix rows). Matrix columns denote the player's number.

Note: Many games/mods will not have event data.

List of Buddies  -  20 in all
Player Player Player Player Player
 1   [BC]Hajas   5   [BC]Eniac   9   [BC]Nicchio   13   [BC]Kenji   17   [BC]IceMan  
 2   [BC]Arvy   6   [BC]Bada   10   [BC]Profeta   14   [BC]Geada   18   [BC]Healer  
 3   [BC]Rsteimetz   7   [BC]Assassino   11   [BC]Yokota   15   [BC]SlipK   19   [BC]Marraqy  
 4   [BC]QuanttumM   8   [BC]Rust   12   [BC]Duka   16   [BC]Yyeecc   20   [BC]Pittbul  
[Not available for Rocket Arena II - no event data!]

event scores
This matrix shows the scores for the different events (matrix rows). The score is calculated by multiplying the event counts with the event points (as set in the AEsscore.cfg). Matrix columns denote the player's number.

Note: Many games/mods will not have event data.

List of Buddies  -  20 in all
Player Player Player Player Player
 1   [BC]Hajas   5   [BC]Eniac   9   [BC]Nicchio   13   [BC]Kenji   17   [BC]IceMan  
 2   [BC]Arvy   6   [BC]Bada   10   [BC]Profeta   14   [BC]Geada   18   [BC]Healer  
 3   [BC]Rsteimetz   7   [BC]Assassino   11   [BC]Yokota   15   [BC]SlipK   19   [BC]Marraqy  
 4   [BC]QuanttumM   8   [BC]Rust   12   [BC]Duka   16   [BC]Yyeecc   20   [BC]Pittbul  
[Not available for Rocket Arena II - no event data!]

(player classes)
This matrix shows the different roles by naming them and the appropriate counts (matrix rows). Matrix columns denote the player's number.

Note: Most games/mods will not have role (player class) data.

List of Buddies  -  20 in all
Player Player Player Player Player
 1   [BC]Hajas   5   [BC]Eniac   9   [BC]Nicchio   13   [BC]Kenji   17   [BC]IceMan  
 2   [BC]Arvy   6   [BC]Bada   10   [BC]Profeta   14   [BC]Geada   18   [BC]Healer  
 3   [BC]Rsteimetz   7   [BC]Assassino   11   [BC]Yokota   15   [BC]SlipK   19   [BC]Marraqy  
 4   [BC]QuanttumM   8   [BC]Rust   12   [BC]Duka   16   [BC]Yyeecc   20   [BC]Pittbul  
[Not available for Rocket Arena II - no role data!]

frag streaks This matrix shows the different frag streaks by naming the frags in a row and the appropriate counts (matrix rows). A streak of xx+ means, the players scored more frags in a row than can be shown. Matrix columns denote the player's number.
List of Buddies  -  20 in all
Player Player Player Player Player
 1   [BC]Hajas   5   [BC]Eniac   9   [BC]Nicchio   13   [BC]Kenji   17   [BC]IceMan  
 2   [BC]Arvy   6   [BC]Bada   10   [BC]Profeta   14   [BC]Geada   18   [BC]Healer  
 3   [BC]Rsteimetz   7   [BC]Assassino   11   [BC]Yokota   15   [BC]SlipK   19   [BC]Marraqy  
 4   [BC]QuanttumM   8   [BC]Rust   12   [BC]Duka   16   [BC]Yyeecc   20   [BC]Pittbul  
[Not available for Rocket Arena II - yet :)]

death/suicide streaks This matrix shows the different death/suicide streaks by naming the d/s in a row and the appropriate counts (matrix rows). A streak of xx+ means, the players died more often in a row than can be shown. Matrix columns denote the player's number.
List of Buddies  -  20 in all
Player Player Player Player Player
 1   [BC]Hajas   5   [BC]Eniac   9   [BC]Nicchio   13   [BC]Kenji   17   [BC]IceMan  
 2   [BC]Arvy   6   [BC]Bada   10   [BC]Profeta   14   [BC]Geada   18   [BC]Healer  
 3   [BC]Rsteimetz   7   [BC]Assassino   11   [BC]Yokota   15   [BC]SlipK   19   [BC]Marraqy  
 4   [BC]QuanttumM   8   [BC]Rust   12   [BC]Duka   16   [BC]Yyeecc   20   [BC]Pittbul  
[Not available for Rocket Arena II - yet :)]

placed @ position...

in that map

This Matrix shows the maps that where played and and how the player placed in that map (matrix rows). The placement is calculated by counting the player's frags, deaths and suicides, calculating the netto=f-d-s, for all player's (not just the "buddies" show here) in that map, and then determining the order of placement. Matrix columns denote the player's number.
List of Buddies  -  20 in all
Player Player Player Player Player
 1   [BC]Hajas   5   [BC]Eniac   9   [BC]Nicchio   13   [BC]Kenji   17   [BC]IceMan  
 2   [BC]Arvy   6   [BC]Bada   10   [BC]Profeta   14   [BC]Geada   18   [BC]Healer  
 3   [BC]Rsteimetz   7   [BC]Assassino   11   [BC]Yokota   15   [BC]SlipK   19   [BC]Marraqy  
 4   [BC]QuanttumM   8   [BC]Rust   12   [BC]Duka   16   [BC]Yyeecc   20   [BC]Pittbul  
[Not available for Rocket Arena II - yet :)]

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Wednesday, August 6th 0:52 2008
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