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  Ranking last updated on Sunday, January 4th 20:59 2009
for the server Blood Culture
g l o b a l  stats
An overview of what's been happening on this
Rocket Arena II

This page shows all the data available in the meta log file, summed up in neat tables.

global statistics
...Global Info
...Weapon related Frags/Deaths
...Correlation Weapon Frags/Deaths
...Suicides & Overall Damage Types
...Roles - The player classes
...Role Correlation - FDS
...N° of Players Per Map

Tells you when the data was last updated. The number of "raw" server output lines that where parsed. Total number of players served, connects counted. Number of different player names. Number of Level changes, e.g. number of maps played.

Furthermore the time/date of the first and last happening in the meta log file are shown. The Up Time is simply the time span between last and first happening (it might be negative if the logs feed to preaes were not on chronological order). The Map Time is the sum of the times, frags etc. actually occurred in maps.

  Misc global info  
 137769  Total n° of lines processed
142  Total n° of players served
65  Unique player names
Level changes
 Current date  Sunday, January 4th 2009 

inventory Summery of the Happenings on the server. The number of Frags, Suicides and Events are shown, also as percentages. The data presented here is a summery of all recorded happenings.
 % of 137769   
93.0%  128153 Weapon related frags
7.0% 9616 Suicides
   137769  Total n° of happenings

weapon related
For each in-game Frag/(Death) there is information about the weapons that where involved. The frag weapon belongs to the Fragger, the Death weapon belongs to the Fragged. The histograms show the usage counts for each weapon. You will note that the overall number of frags/deaths is the same.

Note: For most games/mods there is no Death Weapon information available.

Weapon related Frags
% of Total N° 128153  Frags   N°   Weapon 
 352   Blaster 
 80   Shotgun 
 5705   Super Shotgun 
 152   Machinegun 
 2616   Chaingun 
 11626   Grenade Launcher 
 68752   Rocket Launcher 
 179   HyperBlaster 
 38637   Railgun 
 54   BFG10K 

This matrix shows the fragger's weapon on the x-axis (lines), and the weapon the fragged where holding on the y-Axis (columns). This will let you interpret the most commonly used weapons. The numbers are color coded.

How to read the table. Let's say you want to know what commonly the opponents (the fragged) by weapon N° 5 have. Seek the weapon line number 5, and all the columns to the right will show the weapons the fragged where holding while being shot down by a N° 5 weapon. If the intensity (counts) is high in line N° 5 you will have found a weapon that the fragged where carrying often. In most cases the fragged will only have weak weapons.

Note: Most games/mods do not provide information about the weapon the fragged player was holding. Therefore data might not be shown.

[Not available for Rocket Arena II]

suicides / 
damage types
The left part of the table shows a list of suicide related damage types Rocket Arena II provides.

In the right part, all in-game damage types are counted (not mattering if they have to do with suicides). The table splits them up and gives absolute and percentage values.

Note: Most games/mods do not provide extra damage type information.

% of Total N° 9616  Suicides   N°   Form of Death 
 5274   Checks the safety. 
 625   Tried to put the pin back in. 
 3717   Died. 

In the following table you will find a list of events Rocket Arena II supports. The table shows absolute and percentage values.

In the AEsscore.cfg the admin can assign points to each event, these are used to calculate the scores in the rightmost column. these points as also used on the team stats pages.

Note: Most games/mods do not provide extra event information.

[Not available for Rocket Arena II]

(player classes)
In the following table you will find a list of the player roles (classes) this Rocket Arena II server supports. The table gives absolute and percentage values.

In the right part of the table you will notice the columns E, D, F, S, these stand for Event, Death, Frag and Suicide counts in that specific role. The sums of F and D are of course the same. Since each frag scores one frag for the fragger and one death for the fragged.

Note: Most games/mods do not provide extra role information.

[Not available for Rocket Arena II]

This matrix shows the player roles (classes). Role fragger's are on the x-axis (lines), and the role fragged are shown on the y-axis (columns). This will let you interpret what the most commonly used frag roles were. If both players were of the same class, then they are shown on the diagonal. The numbers are color coded.

Note: Most games/mods do not provide extra role information.

[Not available for Rocket Arena II]

n° of
players per map

maps & times

Table 1: For the most recently played levels (upto a maximum of 65 set in AEstats.cfg), the number of players that where seen are shown in this histogram. These are absolute player counts, meaning that they *can* be higher than the max. player limit, since players can join/leave the map at any time.

The time-axis runs from left to right, e.g. the right-most column is the last map played that day.

Table 2: The table below the histogram shows the map names, when the games in those maps started, how long they where played, the HPH (Happenings per Hour & Map), and the Happening counts (happenings = frags + suicides + events). The specific counts in frags, suicides and events are also shown.

If the map times are less than 0 seconds (TimeBarrier set in AEstats.cfg) the per hour values are not calculated and set to zero (this removes meaningless high values).

Note: Some games/mods do not provide map names or time/date information.

  N° of Players per Map  
  ( Last 7 of 7 maps played, average PPM: 20 )  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Map List
 N°   Happenings   Frags   Suis 
91717 85472 6245
2281 2156 125
33 31 2
1188 1099 89
316 284 32
205 196 9
42029 38915 3114
  137769 128153 9616

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Sunday, January 4th 20:59 2009
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