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  Ranking last updated on Sunday, January 4th 21:00 2009
for the server Blood Culture
t e a m  ranking
Wondering how you have been doing as a team player? Or how your team contributions are? How your team did in the last few maps? Or even how your 'clan' did? Here you will find out about all this.

team ranking
...the team stats summery

---this page & all sub pages are temporary!---

team stats summery For the last 90 (set MaxTeamMapsShown in AEstats.cfg) map the team specific infos are summarized in the following table.

Note: The maps relevant for team stats are filtered, only maps above the happening barrier of 0 (set TeamHappeningBarrier), that where played for longer than 0 seconds (set TeamTimeBarrier in AEstats.cfg), will be used!

Team Stats Overview
  ( 1 maps of 1 maps played passed filters )  
 N°   Map Name   Happenings   Frags   Suis 
 0  22293 20681 1612
    22293 20681 1612

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Using build v5.39 9/23/2002 6:38PM
Sunday, January 4th 21:00 2009
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